Thursday, July 8, 2010

James to Heat

LeBron James announced tonight that he will be signing a five year contract with the Miami Heat to play with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in South Beach. The move immediately makes the Heat the favorite to win the Eastern Conference next year, although the Celtics and Magic will still be forces to be reckoned with. It's going to be fun to see these guys play together -- they are going to win a lot of games. I'd be surprised if they didn't win at least one NBA Title during their run together. I'm glad the decision is over with and we can now see where the rest of the free agents are going to go.

It seems like James' heart is still in Cleveland to some extent as he said that in a perfect world he might have been able to stay in Cleveland but he wanted a better chance to win. It's sad to me that places like Cleveland aren't always considered top threats to win and that bigger, more glamorous markets are deemed better opportunities. But such is life in sports I guess. And James is taking a smaller contract than he could have gotten in Cleveland so there is something to be said for that (although he should make up that money with endorsements particularly as he will now be based in Miami).

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