Sunday, September 25, 2011

San Francisco Giants run as World Champions will end

The San Francisco Giants' (84-75) reign as World Champions will sadly come to an end. The Giants were officially eliminated from playoff contention with a 15-2 loss to the Arizona Diamondbacks (93-66), who won the National League West.

It's been a rough season for the Orange and Black on a lot of fronts, most notably that of the offense. Giving up 15 runs, as they did last night, was the extreme exception, not the norm. If the pitching had gone like last night, as Giants beat writer Andy Baggarly pointed out, the team could easily have lost 100 games this year.

The offense was that bad. First baseman Aubrey Huff was named the Least Valuable Player in the National League by a New York Times article after having a great season a year ago. Also performing worse than last year were, well, a number of players on offense.

Another big part of things was the injury bug, most notably affecting reigning Rookie of the Year Buster Posey, who was injured after being bowled over by Scott Cousins of the Florida Marlins (71-88) in May. But Posey was only one of several injuries, Huff was the only regular not to miss significant time due to injuries.

Despite everything, it's been a fun run as World Champions. I have thoroughly enjoyed referring to my team as the World Champion San Francisco Giants throughout this season. Winning the World Series is an incredible thing, and I'm glad my team was able to win it all. I'm also glad that I was able to thoroughly soak it up. Hopefully they will have another good run next year (with an improved offense).

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