Thursday, February 24, 2011

More thoughts on the D-Will trade

Great article on about the trend of star players moving to large markets. D-Will was a great player here in Utah and I'll definitely miss him, but it looks like the Jazz did act proactively. It's hard to blame the organization, they did get a pretty good package in return. It's just a shame the Jazz couldn't get D-Will signed to a long-term contract.

In other NBA news, Baron Davis has been traded from the Clippers to the Cavaliers in along with a first round draft pick for Mo Williams and Jamario Moon. Looks like both teams will still miss the playoffs.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of Bill Simmons's recent article was the section that he discussed how he felt about the Celtics trading Perkins:

    "I liked the trade on paper. I really did. This team is better positioned to make the Finals now. On paper. On paper.

    On paper.

    And there's the rub. We don't play basketball on paper. I cared about this particular Celtics team more than any Celtics squad since Reggie Lewis was alive -- and that includes the 2008 title team -- mainly because the players enjoyed one another so much. I wasn't surprised to hear that Perkins cried for most of the day Thursday, that Boston's veterans were infuriated by the trade, that Rondo (Perk's best friend) was practically catatonic heading into Thursday night's game in Denver. These guys loved one another. As recently as last season, you couldn't have said that. But Shaq loosened everyone up; so did four full years of the core guys being together; so did Doc's belated maturation into an impactful coach (believe me, I'm as shocked as anyone); so did the contract extensions (Boston's four All-Stars are signed through at least 2012); so did the bonding experience of blowing Game 7 and having that purple confetti fall on their heads; so did the enduring belief that nobody had ever beaten them when they were healthy."

    It hurts to see D-Will with another team because he is one of my favorite players, and this trade almost ensures that the Jazz won't make the playoffs this year. I want last year's Jazz team back -- but with a Boozer who cared. The truth is that the Jazz lost D-Will after having consistently traded away players that D-Will has had close friendships with, and when we didn't pick up anyone exceptional in the off season. That's why he wouldn't have signed with us again after next season. The part that frustrates me is that instead of going after someone that could possibly have been a running mate for D-Will during the next off season, the Jazz management packed it in right now by trading him. To me this says that we didn't have the guts to try to make a big move, or that (more likely) we weren't will to spend the money. But hey, I'm sure O'Connor is tickled to death about the $3 million that the Jazz picked up with the deal. No trade is a good one when the other team has to throw in a few million for you to take the bait. "Well, I know that your organization would get totally shafted if you made this deal, but we'll make sure Devin Harris gets on the jet with a duffel bag full of cash. How does that sound?"

    Without D-Will I don't really see much of an incentive for anybody meaningful to want to play in Utah on a team without any All-Stars. Bet you anything the Jazz are hoping to come away with Jimmer as their new point guard after this season. I'm sorry, but that just makes me sick. He can never live up to what D-Will has been to this franchise. Williams is maybe a once-in-a-generation point guard, and WE traded HIM.
